Kharadron Overlords Endrinriggers / Skywardens

Kharadron Overlords Endrinriggers / Skywardens


Become a member and get Kharadron Overlords Endrinriggers / Skywardens for a discounted price, just £25.42 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (1) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 13-05-2017



The Endrinriggers are members of the endrineering guild, answerable to each fleets Endrinmaster. Using their dirigibles to move between the Skyvessels they perform repairs and maintenance with speed. The tools and equipment they carry can also be useful as weaponry against any enemies that may try to prevent them doing their duties.

The Skywardens are made up of those Arkanauts that have reached a prsetigious reputation among the Arkanaut Companies. Manoeuvring into position using their personal dirigibles, weilding vicious skypikes and vulcaniser pistols, they drop upon unsuspecting units and war machines from the skies.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to
assemble 3 Skywardens. They feature skymines trailing from their
dirigibles, which are detailed with the pipework and equipment needed to
make their aether-gold vapour-fuelled flight possible, and carry
vulcaniser pistols and skypikes. One Skywarden can carry an aethermatic
volley gun, and one can carry a skyhook, drill cannon or grapnel
launcher. There’s a custom head option for the Skywarden Custodian, and
there are plenty of extra details for making your Skywardens unique: a
spare vulcaniser pistol and a variety of maintenance tools.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to
assemble 3 Endrinriggers. Adept at performing emergency repairs during
the heat of battle, they carry aethermatic saws and rivet guns which are
ideal for plugging gaps in skyfleet hulls – or making holes in the
One of the 3 can carry an aethermatic volley gun, and one
can carry a skyhook, drill cannon or grapnel launcher. All 3 feature
their own dirigible and steering rudder covered in pipework and
aerodynamic pieces above their sealed suit and power pack, and there are
options for a Mizzenmaster, with his own specific helmet. Included are
extra details for making your Endrinriggers unique: a spare rivet gun
and a variety of maintenance tools.


This kit comes as 88 components to build 3x Skywardens or Endrinriggers, and is supplied with 3 Citadel 32mm Round bases and 3 flying stems of differing heights: 30mm, 32.5mm and 35mm. It can optionally be used to assemble 3 Skywardens.

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