Ivy Foliage – Dark Green Maple – Large

Ivy Foliage – Dark Green Maple – Large

Expected Release: 22-11-2023


Become a member and get Ivy Foliage - Dark Green Maple - Large for a discounted price, just £5.78 with fast cheap delivery!

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Ivy Foliage vegetation sheets from Green Stuff World are specialized sheets with leaves of different types, colors, and sizes designed to replicate the appearance of vine leaves and the leafiness of a tree on a miniature scale. 

At Green Stuff World, we offer a wide selection of miniature basing materials, hobby leaves, vegetation, and many other types of paper plants for you to choose from to suit your project. With our variety of products, you can create scenes, figure and miniature bases, and dioramas quickly and easily, taking realism to a new level.

Don’t wait any longer and dive into the world of possibilities that our miniature branch and leaf mats have to offer. Add a touch of nature to your creations with Green Stuff World.

Application and assembly: 

  • If you are going to dress a wall of a building with miniature vines it is much more convenient to use a cyanoacrylate glue and go gluing some of the branches to the surface. 
  • If you are going to make a miniature tree, it is advisable to use PVA glue or Tuft Glue. As there are many qualities of white glue and it is much easier to loosen the weeds from them, we strongly recommend using Tuft Glue for these functions so that it has a long-term hold.

Recommended Scale: 1:35 – 1:43
Leaf Type: Maple 
Color: Dark Green
Content: 1x Realistic Ivy Foliage in 140x70mm

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