Winter Fallschirmjager Platoon

Winter Fallschirmjager Platoon


Become a member and get Winter Fallschirmjager Platoon for a discounted price, just £26.92 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (0) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 31-01-2025


The world’s first paratroopers to be used in large numbers, the German Fallschirmjäger were at the tip of the spear when war broke out in 1939. They led daring assaults on strategic targets, such as the fortress at Eben Emael, enabling the following Panzers to overrun Europe. The Fallschirmjäger’s greatest achievement would be the seizing of Crete in the face of more numerous British and Commonwealth forces during 1941. This pyrrhic victory meant that they were never again used in airborne operations, but instead fought as highly motivated infantry, their special equipment making them tenacious.

This box contains 30 infantry models with a range of weapons and equipment, wearing quilted winter uniforms, perfect for the unforgiving snowy woodland terrain of the Battle of the Bulge, the bleak steppes of the Eastern Front or the mountains of Italy. Each frame includes a range of heads including their distinctive helmets, peaked caps and officer’s cap, Kar 98K rifle and both StG 44 and FG42 assault rifles, a variety of German and captured sub machine guns, both MG34 and MG42 light machine guns with ammunition belts and boxes, plus a Panzerfaust.

The following units from Armies of Germany can be assembled:

  • Platoon Commander
  • Fallschirmjäger Squad (Early War) with light machine gun and submachine gun options
  • Fallschirmjäger Squad (Late War, including Green units) with light machine gun, assault rifle, submachine gun & Panzerfaust options

You can also make spotters for indirect fire units and other infantry squads such as Spähtruppen, or combine them with other infantry kits – the possibilities are endless!

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