Warband Tome: Rot and Ruin

Warband Tome: Rot and Ruin


Become a member and get Warband Tome: Rot and Ruin for a discounted price, just £16.45 with fast cheap delivery!

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Expected Release: 03-12-2022

SKU: 53175 Category: Tags: , ,


This 64-page softcover book contains:

– Background material and staggering artwork for the Gnarlwood setting and the Ravening Ruin, in addition to the Horns of Hashut and the Rotmire Creed

– A gallery of miniatures featuring fighters from each warband, and evocative scenes of battle on Gnarlwood scenery

– Rules for using the Rotmire Creed and Horns of Hashut, including fighter profiles, reactions, and faction abilities, and background tables

– Special rules for the Gnarlwood terrain pieces found in the Gnarlwood Watchcamp box

– 6 quests, 3 for each of the two warbands, including artefacts, heroic traits, encampments, and battleplans

– 2 narrative campaign arcs, including one for four to six players split into two teams

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