UCM Reykjavik Cutters

UCM Reykjavik Cutters


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Instock (0) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 18-02-2022


Reykjaviks generally operate ahead of the main fleet and are
often tasked with making the first small but crucial kills in an
engagement, using a pair of fixed UF-9000-S mass drivers:
short-barrelled versions of those found on dreadnought turrets. The
Nuuk’s ability to directly damage an opponent is limited, but a
concentrated, close-range blast from its Haywire Blaster can render an
enemy ship confused and unable to compute complex tasks, such as
plotting firing solutions for all weapons.

This set contains 3 UCM Cutters, all able to be built as either
Reykjavik or Nuuk variants. There are parts to build 3 ships, of either
variant, offering brand new options to the UCM.

Although not the fastest ships in the game, the UCM Cutters are tied
for the fastest ships in the fleet, and with Vectored as well, that’s
maximum mobility! The Reykjavik is the ultimate in UCM interceptors: get
in quick and unleash a hailstorm of mass driver fire! You’ll have to be
careful with positioning to make the most out of them, but with Outlier
and Vectored, that’ll be straightforward. The Nuuk is anything but
straightforward! Its Haywire Blaster does no damage, but shuts down an
enemy ship’s systems, sending them onto Standard Orders for the round.
Especially deadly against Scourge on Silent Running, or large ships like

Contains 3 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will
require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.
Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

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