UCM Beijing/New York/Tokyo Battleship

UCM Beijing/New York/Tokyo Battleship


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Expected Release: 01-12-2017


This blister pack can be assembled as either a Beijing, New York or Tokyo class battleship. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and white metal and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

Length 142mm. 23 Resin and white metal Parts total (including optional ones).

NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

The Beijing Class Battleship

The Beijing class is an extremely resilient vessel which packs extensive firepower, namely nine UF-6400 mass drivers in three turrets, twelve UF-4200 mass drivers in four turrets and one Cobra laser, not to mention scores of missile bays and banks of point defence lasers. It is currently one of the most popular commands of the UCMF’s Admirals and for good reason – few ships the UCM has on active service are as effective in the annihilation of any enemy as the formidable Beijing. Most of the UCMF’s battleships are surrounded by tales of their illustrious deeds, their names etched into the collective consciousness of the colonial citizenry and this class has no shortage of legends.

The New York Class Battleship

The New York class is one of the most in-demand ships in the UCMF since its flexibility and awesome power are almost unparalleled. A later development of the Beijing class, it replaces the former’s heavy turrets with a gigantic voidcraft hangar for launching scores of lethal fighters and bombers. It also replaces the Cobra laser with an enormous torpedo tube and internal storage for two of these devastating munitions.

The Tokyo Class Battleship

The colossal Tokyo class battleship is one of the most specialised ships of this tonnage level in the UCMF. While based on the Beijing design, this class dispenses with its main mass driver battery in favour of three turreted UF/B-8000 bombard cannons, making this one of the most formidable orbital bombardment platforms anywhere in the Reconquest. Only the UCM has need of a battleship sized vessel designed for this purpose, such is the scale of the mighty undertaking.

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