Turbo Dork: Maguro Metallic Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle

Turbo Dork: Maguro Metallic Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle


Become a member and get Turbo Dork: Maguro Metallic Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle for a discounted price, just £5.58 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (10+) / On The Way (0) / Can't be back-ordered

Expected Release: 19-06-2024

SKU: 56177 Category: Tags: , ,


Have you ever seen a bluefin tuna? If not, experience the blue of Maguro without going to Tsukiji Market.

Maguro (sans sushi roll fixings) is a very light blue and can be used either on its own or layered over one of our other paints.

Note: For the most vibrant results, please use Maguro over a similarly colored basecoat, such as light blue. Maguro may also be used over other basecoats such as white or black for different effects.

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