Turbo Dork: Leviathan TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle

Turbo Dork: Leviathan TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle


Become a member and get Turbo Dork: Leviathan TurboShift Acrylic Paint 22ml Bottle for a discounted price, just £5.58 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (1) / On The Way (0) / Can't be back-ordered

Expected Release: 19-06-2024

SKU: 56220 Category: Tags: , ,


Think large and slithery with thick skin, sharp teeth, and more than a touch of evil! Think Leviathan!

Leviathan shifts from dark teal to a lighter greenish-blue. This is just the paint to bring to mind the dragon of the sea.

Note: Leviathan must be used over a black basecoat to see the effect. If used over white, it appears white.

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