SPQR: Dacia and Sarmartia Dacian Nobles

SPQR: Dacia and Sarmartia Dacian Nobles


Become a member and get SPQR: Dacia and Sarmartia Dacian Nobles for a discounted price, just £18.92 with fast cheap delivery!

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Expected Release: 07-03-2020

SKU: 38843 Category: Tags: , ,


Richer and better equipped than the falxmen, these nobles wore Phrygian caps to demonstrate their higher status, and were sometimes known as capmen. Despite their more ornate weaponry, they were no less brave than their lower-bred counterparts and could be counted upon to defend their territory with relish.

Nobles benefit from the ‘strength in numbers’ special rule and are especially dangerous on the charge owing to the ‘Wild Charge’ special rule. They also have generous access to an armoury to customise your own warband.

Contains 12 infantry models in Warlord Resin

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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