Space Wolves: Grey Hunters/Blood Claws/Wolf Guard

Space Wolves: Grey Hunters/Blood Claws/Wolf Guard


Become a member and get Space Wolves: Grey Hunters/Blood Claws/Wolf Guard for a discounted price, just £27.66 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (1) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 07-11-2020



Viewed with suspicion by some within the Imperium, the Space Wolves chapter are among the oldest and most venerated Space Marine Chapters, founded at the dawn of the Imperium as one of the First Founding Legions. Wild, some may say Barbarous, the Space Wolves are yet a noble chapter, dedicated to protecting the Imperium and it’s citizens. 


This multi-part plastic kit contains 218 components with which to build ten Space Wolves miniatures. There are five different leg variations, six torso variants, five backpack variants and 28 variant heads, meaning there are an incredible number of options for personalising your pack – assemble them as Grey Hunters, Blood Claws or Wolf Guard!


This kit includes ten Citadel 32mm Round bases.

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