Skaven Stormfiends

Skaven Stormfiends


Become a member and get Skaven Stormfiends for a discounted price, just £35.51 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (0) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 24-01-2015


This multi-part plastic kit makes three Stormfiends that can be assembled with a variety of weapon options. The three Stormfiends each have a unique pose, and warpstone armour that is different for each model. They are covered in all manner of pipes, cables, stitched skin and runes. Each miniature has the option to be armed with a pair of one of the following: ratling cannon, grinderfists, doom-flayer gauntlets, shock gauntlets, warpfire projectors or windlaunchers.

The Skaven Stormfiends have 101 components and are supplied with three 50mm monster bases.

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