Sector 3 – Delta Complex

Sector 3 – Delta Complex


Become a member and get Sector 3 - Delta Complex for a discounted price, just £22.43 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (0) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 27-03-2020


It’s said that you can make it from one side of the Delta to the other without ever setting foot on the ground. I mean, if you count “ground” as dirt or grass then that’s easy, but it’s still not much of a challenge if you mean “large flat piece of metal”.

The Sector 3 – Delta Complex is a mass of sprawling walkways, silos, and platforms. Each main piece is made with a circular design, which means the variations you can have on your table are basically endless. With large walkways to attach to your platforms you can make dozens of interconnected railings, especially considering the all the circular pieces can be stacked on top of each other infinitely!

Between the small vats and tall platforms you’ll have thousands of options of stacking, and plenty of areas to hide, especially considering the dozens of modular barricades in the kit.

All Industrial Hive kits are designed to work together, utilising an innovate clip system to enable every piece to attach to another. Using the in-built modularity you can attach stairs to walkways to platforms to offices to pipes to silos to walls all in a continuous mass of metal (well, MDF) to create literally billions of different board layouts. All this modularity will make your games in the sprawling Industrial Hive more fun than ever.

The set contains: – 4 Platforms, 3 Half Silos, 5 Large Clip on platforms, 10 Half Walkways, 3 Walkways, 32 Baricades, 2 Ladders, 3 half Ladders. 

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for sprawling games of 28-32mm gang warfare set in a dense jungle of machinery.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

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