Nighthaunt: Reikenor The Grimhailer

Nighthaunt: Reikenor The Grimhailer


Become a member and get Nighthaunt: Reikenor The Grimhailer for a discounted price, just £20.93 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (1) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 21-07-2018



Once a powerful Amethyst Wizard, Reikenor was claimed by Nagash and now serves as the god of deaths chief reaper of souls. Attacking from the back of his terrifying steed, he claims Nagash’s due from the ranks of the living.


Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this kit assembles Reikenor the Grimhailer, mounted on his steed, the Nightmare Kyallaron. Push-fit, with no glue required, this kit is incredibly straightforward to put together and comes on pre-coloured turquoise plastic.


This kit comes as 11 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 75mm Oval scenic base.

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