Lysander Stealth Lighters

Lysander Stealth Lighters


Become a member and get Lysander Stealth Lighters for a discounted price, just £14.95 with fast cheap delivery!

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Expected Release: 17-07-2020


The Lysander class Lighter has been a lynchpin in the UCM’s covert ops since it entered service in 2669. It is the UCMF’s first fully cloaked warship, pushing multiple 1st gen classified stealth systems to their current limits of scale. The class is equipped for extended infiltrations including limited surface landings to scout potential invasion sites and support Resistance groups.

Initially the class was Level-6 classified and generally reserved for Marine Force Black – the UCM’s most elite troops under the Office of Naval Intelligence. Rumours circulated among the admiralty, where demands for access to such a tool grew from whispers into shouts. As the Battle for Earth loomed, the Lysander’s existence was confirmed and production ramped up. While still precious assets, limited numbers are now available to support regular frontline operations and first strike incursions.

This set contains 6 UCM Lysander Stealth Lighters. With superlative stealth capabilities, this little ship is the perfect special ops craft.

Cast in a single piece, the model has fine detail and a smooth canopy synonymous with UCM design. Lysanders have Full Cloak and a Signature of 0″, which makes them some of the stealthiest ships in the game – rivals even to Scourge! The Lysander has bays of Dropships and can even scan Clusters, making it a valuable target for your opponents, who will have to dedicate significant resources to dealing with these outliers.

Contains 6 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

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