Fane of Slaanesh

Fane of Slaanesh


Become a member and get Fane of Slaanesh for a discounted price, just £25.75 with fast cheap delivery!

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Expected Release: 04-05-2019



An altar, taking the form of a mirror. Its frame the profane symbol of the God of Excess, studded with precious metals and jewels. Around it, a hoard of treasures offered to the Daemon God Slaanesh. Power for those who make an offering, but the cost is always far more than any golden trinket….


Available at no matched play points to all Slaanesh armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, the Fane of Slaanesh is a key tactical lynchpin in your army. By sacrificing their life force or their artefact of power, your Heroes can empower themselves, making your Keepers of Secrets, Heralds or any other champions you choose even deadlier. What’s more, summoning Daemons near the Fane of Slaanesh will reward you with depravity points, allowing you to bring even more onto the battlefield.


This kit is supplied in 10 plastic components.

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