Dry Brush Palette – Maxi

Dry Brush Palette – Maxi


Become a member and get Dry Brush Palette - Maxi for a discounted price, just £7.47 with fast cheap delivery!

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Expected Release: 16-10-2023

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Dry Brush Palette – Maxi

Are you looking to take your drybrushing to the next level? Tired of getting a chalky finish on your models from using a paper towel to take away excess paint. Well look no further than the new range of Dry Brush Paletes from the Colour Forge.

These Dry Brush Palettes are available in a range of 5 sizes (XXL, XL, Maxi, Midi & Mini) to suit your hobby sprace requirements and are specifically designed with drybrushing in mind. Whichever size you choose you will be rewarded with a palette that has been developed to improve your drybrushing game. The Dry Brush Palette range from the Colour Forge are laser cut and etched from 3mm MDF. Unique patterns and designs embedded in the product allow you to work your drybrush around the palette removing paint in a smooth and consistent manner, ensuring a great finish. The end result is smoother, cleaner and ultimately gives you greater control over your drybrushing allowing you to take your painting to the next level.

Palettes are supplied unpainted and require priming before use. We recommend using any Colour Forge spray primer for the best results. 

Top tip – The Dry Brush Palette range from the Colour Forge are reusable. When you have saturated your palette with paint simply respray with Colour Forge spray primer to reset the palette and you’re good to go!

Dimensions 210mm x 149mm x 3mm

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