Drukhari: Talos

Drukhari: Talos


Become a member and get Drukhari: Talos for a discounted price, just £29.90 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (2) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 13-11-2012



The Talos is a vile masterpiece of the Haemonculi’s art, a biomechanical monstrosity that is used as both a torture device and an engine of war. Armed with a hideous array of surgical implements and wicked blades, it’s armoured carapace deflects incoming fire as it clicks and twitches unnervingly, floating across the battlefield to inflict misery on the enemy.

The Cronos is an arcane fusion of mechanics and flesh, it’s weaponry mysterious and it’s effects, terrifying. Using a vile science, this insectile war engine absorbs the vitality of its targets, leaving them a dessicated husk while the vanes of its back radiate that vitality back to the Drukhari that follow in its wake.


This multi-part plastic kit contains 89 components with which to make one Drukhari Talos Pain Engine or one Cronos Parasite Engine. The box includes all manner of features: chain-flails, ichor injectors, a liquefier gun and many syringes, as well as several variant heads and arms. It is a remarkably macabre addition to any Drukhari collection.

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