Dropfleet Commander Scenario Cards

Dropfleet Commander Scenario Cards


Become a member and get Dropfleet Commander Scenario Cards for a discounted price, just £7.48 with fast cheap delivery!

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Expected Release: 18-10-2024


These scenario cards contain all the components needed to generate the random scenarios found in the Dropfleet Commander rulebook. This set includes Deployment Types, Approach Types, Layouts, Variants, and Objectives you can use to create an astronomical amount of different scenarios for your games of Dropfleet Commander.

The scenarios you can generate with these cards can be tailored to your desired style of game. Want to play a balanced, competitive game? These cards have you covered, just combine components that favour both players equally. If you want to lay siege to orbital shipyards or shipping lanes in deep space, these cards have you covered.

Also included are 3 double-sided quick reference cards for Orders, Explosion & Crippling effects, as well as Dropsites & Features.

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