Daemons of Nurgle Nurglings

Daemons of Nurgle Nurglings


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Expected Release: 21-06-2017



Wherever the foul forces of the Plague God Nurgle appear, they are joined by hosts of noisome vermin. Clouds of swarming, biting insects, carpets of disease ridden rodents, and worst of all, hordes of vile Nurglings. Tiny daemons, each a manifestation of sores and boils, they caper and screech, eager to smother their victims with their foul bodies. With mouths of razor sharp fangs and claws covered in putrid waste, they consign their victims to a slow and painful demise.


This kit contains – quite literally – stacks of Nurglings. In fact, with
this kit you can make three tottering towers of them. Every swarm has
front, back and middle ranks; each is comprised of wriggling little
horned beasts that are saturated in sores, cuts, lumps and opened
orifices. They also come in a variety of characterful poses – most of
them sickening. Though you can actually make 27 combinations of Nurgling
towers, there are loads of individual Nurglings for using on bases for
the rest of your army.


This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 16 components with which to
build 3 varying towers of Nurglings. Supplied with 3 Citadel 40mm Round

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