Bolt Action 2 Rulebook – French

Bolt Action 2 Rulebook – French


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Écrit par Alessio Cavatore et Rick Priestley, Bolt Action vous propose toutes les règles nécessaires pour recréer les escarmouches et les grandes batailles de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale sur vos tables de jeu, des villes dévastées de la France occupée jusqu’aux déserts arides d’Afrique du Nord et aux jungles étouffantes du Pacifique.

Des listes de troupes extrêmement polyvalentes vous permettent de constituer le type d’armée qui correspond le mieux à votre style de jeu : des chars lourdement blindés jusqu’aux unités d’infanterie plus petites mais hautement spécialisées, le choix vous appartient !

The 2nd edition offers the same fantastic World War II gameplay with its exciting order dice system and mixed armies of infantry, tanks and artillery.

Key New Features

Officers activate other units! Used cleverly, this creates a huge tactical shift as you can order multiple units to fire or advance in concert.

Big Explosions! HE fire now uses templates to determine damage – your opponent had better spread out his troops to avoid carnage!

Armed Transports! Once your squad has piled out of its halftrack, the driver can speed around and unleash a hail of lead at the enemy!

Player Feedback! We’ve listened carefully to the community and taken advantage of the thousands of battles you’ve played to improve the game in dozens of other ways.

New Army List

The main rulebook now includes a fifth army list – adding Imperial Japan to Germany, Great Britain, USA and the Soviet Union – giving you even more choice for your army.

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