Black Templars: Upgrades and Transfers

Black Templars: Upgrades and Transfers


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Expected Release: 26-11-2021


Designed to let you add greater variety to your Crusader Squads with a range of heads, weapons, and wargear, this set also comes with a multi-melta for a vehicle of your choice, six powerful Relics with which to equip your Relic Bearers, and a range of sculpted shoulder pads.

This upgrade sprue contains:

Shoulder Pads
12x Mk X Tacticus Armour shoulder pads (including 2x for use with Sword Brethren/unit leaders)
6x Mk X Gravis Armour shoulder pads
1x Mk VI power armour shoulder pad

Vehicle Upgrades
1x multi-melta for use with Black Templars vehicles
6x components for use with decorating vehicles, including 5x Black Templar Icons and 1x relic sword/chassis decoration weapon.

Components specifically designed to represent six of the Relics available to the Black Templars Chapter:
The Aurillian Shroud, Skull of the Cacodominus, Sword of Judgement, Witchseeker Bolts, Ancient Breviary, and The Crusader’s Helm.

4x Initiate Heads
1x Marshal’s head, with circlet/coronet
4x Neophyte heads

Neophyte Weapons and Options
4x Neophyte arms with combat shotguns
3x alternate arm options (one holding a bolt carbine, one holding a grenade, and one carrying an Initiate’s helmet)

Extra Options, Accessories, and Decorations
1x arm option with a choice of two hands, each holding different reliquaries
1x Astartes chainsword in scabbard
1x Black Templars backpack with a recess along its top edge for use with accessories or Relics
3x purity seals
3x larger honorific ribbons
1x sanctified grenade
1x ribbon
2x lanterns
2x relic bones
2x burning candle stacks

Transfer Sheet
Includes a Black Templars transfer sheet that includes 240 transfers.

These accessories supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.

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