Alarielle the Everqueen

Alarielle the Everqueen


Become a member and get Alarielle the Everqueen for a discounted price, just £74.75 with fast cheap delivery!

Instock (1) / On The Way (0) / Can be back-ordered

Expected Release: 09-07-2016



An ancient and powerful being, Alarielle is the Goddess of Life and Nature. Everywhere She treads the ground springs new life. Her followers and children are the Sylvaneth, spirits of Nature that take the form of mystical beings of the woods. Do not be mistaken in thinking She is gentle however, Nature is cruel and only the strongest survive. When She rides to war upon Her massive Wardroth Beetle, even Her allies are reminded of this most elemental fact.


This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components needed to assemble Alarielle the Everqueen, riding her gigantic wardroth beetle – a living battering ram covered in moss, fungi and decorated with soul amphorae and other trinkets. She wields the Spear of Kurnoth in one hand, and her other arm ends in the dreaded Talon of Dwindling.


1 x Alarielle the Everqueen

79 components in total, with an appropriately huge Citadel 160mm Round base.

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