Hukk Bounty Hunter and Hunting Angkriz

Hukk Bounty Hunter and Hunting Angkriz


Become a member and get Hukk Bounty Hunter and Hunting Angkriz for a discounted price, just £6.98 with fast cheap delivery!

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Infantry and Beast Unit

Points Value: 122

Usable by: Any faction including Vorl but excluding Virai.

Limitations: One per army. Hukk are solitary!

Unit: Hukk Bounty Hunter Ag Acc Str Res Init Co
Hukk with customised mag gun, reflex armour, mag pistol 6 6 7 7(8) 8 9
3 x Enhanced Hunting Angkriz 6 7 8 6 6

Hukk have over 9 options to take! Allowing you personalise your Hukk to any specific task you have in mind! For a full description including new special rules, customised Mag gun, Subdue and his unique weapon the X-sublauncher, download his PDF!

Set contains:

  • 1 Hukk Bounty Hunter
  • 3 Hunting Angkriz

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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